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GetBulkRequest example[]

This page provides an example of


At first step, manager issues request with 3 variable names for the first one variable (non-repeaters=1) only requires one successor, and the remaining variables have 3 successive values (max-repetition=3) are requested. Manager request the agent for multiple iterations of GetNextRequest that discover available variables and their values.

Secondly, the agent returns a response with 3 variable bindings walked from the variable binding which located in the lexicographically ordered list of the names of all variables which access in this request and whose name is the first lexicographic successor of the name of variable binding in the MIB in the request. What's more, the respone also contains current sysUpTime value and OID identifying the type of trap. PDU specific non-repeaters and max-repetitions fields are used to control response behavior and identify the number of N and R variables, 1 and 3 in this example.

Thirdly, the manager only send information request for the remaining data that is according to lexicographic ordering . So the last line of the 1st response should probably be

Finally, the agent receives the request from manager and forwards the IP with current sysUpTime value.

